Before we even started this i already knew what type of character i wanted to do, i wanted it to be something I've never designed before, so that threw full human out of the window, it also worked well with the Human-Animal comparison we was recently doing.
What is it i hear you ask? Simple!! A Werewolf : D
No this does not mean i am a "Team Jacob" fan, i swear those films ruined Werewolves, Vampires were always gay shiny people,..Besides...I'm a fan of "Team Guy Who Nearly Hit Bella With A Van" :D
Right....Back on topic i think...
First thing i did was find out about there posture, what they keep from there wolf counterparts when they become bipedal. Apart from the obvious Fur, Tail, Fangs and Claws, they also keep there strange way of standing, they stand on there tip-toes with the base of the foot off the floor, it may be to make themselves seem bigger or maybe they just cant walk any other way.
Sorry if you cant see it all that well... |
Before i dove further into the design, i started with some basic practice of the mass, like i did with the human. This one was more fun though as i was able to draw poses that human just would not do without being diagnosed mentally ill.
From what i could tell, a Werewolf has an extremely large chest mass compared to its waist or head, this may be something they inherited from there wolf side.
When i realized this i started to look at how there skeleton was structured, i did a side on view of the entire skeleton, never got round to doing a front view, i also did a close up comparison of the differences between a Wolf skull and a Human skull.
(From here on the work was done on Photoshop.)
After the Skeleton comes the Muscles, this was surprisingly easy to do, i mostly used human reference but added more wolf like muscle's to where i thought needed, to allow easy movement in either bipedal or quadrupedal stances.
Full Body Muscle Structure!